
Posts Tagged ‘contamination of feces and urine’

I dream of rooms contaminated with feces and urine.  I believe this ties in to my feeling contaminated by what my grandfather did to me.

I dream of flying.  My mother in my dream told me I’d been flying since age 5.  I fly mostly down staircases.  I see myself hovering over the stairs as I fly.  If only I’d really been able to fly when I was young, I could perhaps have gotten away from him.

I look in the mirror and covering my face and my whole body are scars from being cut with a knife.  I start screaming.  After waking I realize that the scars are internal and no one else can see them.

Falling books, books falling…trying to climb up book shelves, but books keep falling and I can’t get a grip.  My legs are giving out.  I feel sick and I’m looking for someone to help me.  I am very sick, throwing up, unable to stand up.  I am lying on the floor of an arena and there a people above looking down.  I’m trying to yell to the people to help mebut

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